Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hi, today I will talk about my experience on posting. First of all is important to say that I’m not use to write in English and it has been a very difficult but good experience for me because I improve my level. My only problem is that I take a lot of time in this activity because I came from a school that doesn’t teach me this language. At the beginning of this year I feel that I will never do anything with English, that I will not use it ever, but now that I understand what mi discipline is about I notice that this class is very important for my professional future.
In the future I will like that we speak in classes using terms that can help us in our areas instead of everyday speech but in the other hand I think that is a very fun activity to write in a blog. The topics have been very interesting and I don’t have anything to say in that thing.

I will like teachers to know that this blog is a very good idea for the students to learn and I’m very happy with my results I hope my classmates think the same as I.

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