Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Today I will talk about my favorite website related to my work and discipline. First of all I want to mention that my career is about making socio-cultural investigation, so I need a webpage that can provide me real and reliable sources of information.

Most of the scientific web spaces are very complicate in their use so I prefer the ones that:

-          Provides me information in my language.

-          Understand the concepts that I need or use.

My favorite scientific website is SCIELO (Scientific electronic library online). This webpage is a very sober webpage that have only 3 different colors and is free of images. The thing that I like the most is that is very easy to search in it; you only have to put what you are looking for in the searcher, specifying in the concepts that you are interested in.

I visit that site each time I need to search information for writing a project or an essay and in University I have to do that most of the time.

Web link:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have always loved to read. When I was a little kid my parents used to buy me books with drawings and short texts. Later, when my reading abilities improved, I started to read longer ones and with time I got used to read at less 2 books of my own choice without counting the ones that my school asked me to read. I have read more than 200 books during my life.

For me, every kind of book is interesting, but I have a particular love for the ones about philosophy or history. I also like novels with politic content. My favorite book is called “1984”; it was written by an English man named George Orwell and is about a dystopia. I read “1984” when I was 15 years old and I read it whenever I can. In the future my dream is to write a book with the talent of George Orwell and say real things in an metaphoric way.