Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the computer. A computer under my eyes is a tool that simplifies life. When I was less than 10 years old I dream with having a computer because my big brothers and sisters have, I remember that I always play in them when they were away. The computer is a very important tool for nowadays, but in those times it was very expensive and it was difficult for my family to buy one for me. When I was 12 years the situation of my family improves so they give me one as a birthday present.
Technology is improving every day, so today I have a different computer which I use for university, for studying or to communicate with my friends and family. I use it every day because everything in this society depends on internet.

Life without it must be terrible if you are an active member of this society, because, as I say recently, work and communication depends on internet. If I go away to countryside or to live another life out of this system I will love to live without it.