Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hi, today I will talk about my experience on posting. First of all is important to say that I’m not use to write in English and it has been a very difficult but good experience for me because I improve my level. My only problem is that I take a lot of time in this activity because I came from a school that doesn’t teach me this language. At the beginning of this year I feel that I will never do anything with English, that I will not use it ever, but now that I understand what mi discipline is about I notice that this class is very important for my professional future.
In the future I will like that we speak in classes using terms that can help us in our areas instead of everyday speech but in the other hand I think that is a very fun activity to write in a blog. The topics have been very interesting and I don’t have anything to say in that thing.

I will like teachers to know that this blog is a very good idea for the students to learn and I’m very happy with my results I hope my classmates think the same as I.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Hi, today I will talk about zombies. First of all is important to say what is a zombie; in a few words, they are dead people that move and eat fresh meat. This phenomenon starts because a virus that kills the body  go in to the blood and later stimulates the nervous system making that dead people only search for food to continue feeding the brain needs. They are very interesting for me, because the theory of their existence is backcap by science. The first time I heard about zombies was as a little kid, my big brothers always bother me with them saying that if I don´t eat all the food zombies will come at night and eat me.

I think that zombies don’t exist because in general is difficult for me to believe in paranormal stuff and in the other hand I have never heard about someone that believe that they exist.

As I said in the beginning of this writing, my big brothers use to scared me with zombies, so I was afraid of them when I was a child, but when I grew up and I see the movie “resident evil” it start my love for that monster.  Even do I love them, generally little kids are afraid of them but I try them not to be scared.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Today I will talk about my favorite website related to my work and discipline. First of all I want to mention that my career is about making socio-cultural investigation, so I need a webpage that can provide me real and reliable sources of information.

Most of the scientific web spaces are very complicate in their use so I prefer the ones that:

-          Provides me information in my language.

-          Understand the concepts that I need or use.

My favorite scientific website is SCIELO (Scientific electronic library online). This webpage is a very sober webpage that have only 3 different colors and is free of images. The thing that I like the most is that is very easy to search in it; you only have to put what you are looking for in the searcher, specifying in the concepts that you are interested in.

I visit that site each time I need to search information for writing a project or an essay and in University I have to do that most of the time.

Web link:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have always loved to read. When I was a little kid my parents used to buy me books with drawings and short texts. Later, when my reading abilities improved, I started to read longer ones and with time I got used to read at less 2 books of my own choice without counting the ones that my school asked me to read. I have read more than 200 books during my life.

For me, every kind of book is interesting, but I have a particular love for the ones about philosophy or history. I also like novels with politic content. My favorite book is called “1984”; it was written by an English man named George Orwell and is about a dystopia. I read “1984” when I was 15 years old and I read it whenever I can. In the future my dream is to write a book with the talent of George Orwell and say real things in an metaphoric way.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Today I will talk about my favorite picture.  I have always loved photography for the reason that I grew up with it because my father has always worked taking pictures of people. My favorite picture is one that shows me on the beach when I was 14 years old.
The main reason why I love that picture is because I remember that summer as the best of all and it was the first time that all my family went on vacation together. Every time I look at that picture all the good memories come back making me happy.
It was a sunny and clear day and I was playing on the rocks with my little sister, we were having such a good time that we didn´t realize that my father had started taking pictures of us. That night when we were playing, my father showed us all the pictures that had taken and I liked one of them a lot one because it represents the happiness I was having that time.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the computer. A computer under my eyes is a tool that simplifies life. When I was less than 10 years old I dream with having a computer because my big brothers and sisters have, I remember that I always play in them when they were away. The computer is a very important tool for nowadays, but in those times it was very expensive and it was difficult for my family to buy one for me. When I was 12 years the situation of my family improves so they give me one as a birthday present.
Technology is improving every day, so today I have a different computer which I use for university, for studying or to communicate with my friends and family. I use it every day because everything in this society depends on internet.

Life without it must be terrible if you are an active member of this society, because, as I say recently, work and communication depends on internet. If I go away to countryside or to live another life out of this system I will love to live without it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Today I will talk about the subjects I´m doing this term at university. First of all I will talk about the ones I don´t like. I study anthropology with the intention of following social anthropology, so I don´t like the subjects that are related to the other options that my career has, those options are; biological anthropology and archaeology, so they are the only subjects I don´t like. Philosophy, social anthropology, English, and history are the subjects that I like the most. Everyday I come happily to university because I love what i´m studying. Since I remember, I have been an excellent student,  so I´m used to spending most of my time studying which means, on the other hand, that I have no time left to take an extracurricular activity.
Even though I have no time for practicing other things that I like, I chose this career because I love it and everyday I dream of being a great anthropologist in the future, I expect this period to be the best of my life for the reason since i´m getting closer to my dream.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My name is Juan José Guzmán and I was born on 14th of november of 1994 in Santiago of Chile, it was a cloudy day and my parents were very happy. Let me tell you a little about myself, I grow up in a very nice family in Las Condes and when I was 4 years old I started school.
My firts school was called Santiago College and I stayed there until 8th grade, then I changed school and I went to San Esteban Diácono in Vitacura. These days I am studying antropology at Universidad de Chile.
Now I will talk about my family, my dad and my mom have been divorced since I was 5 years. My mother is a psychologist and my father is a musician. I have 3 brothers and each one of them are from different fathers, so we only share the same mother. My parents don´t talk to each other  because they hate each other until now.